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Agència Districte



Agència Districte & Visit VLC


The Music Republic


Ajuntament de Puçol


Nerea Coll


Yasmina Benabdelkrim





Agència Districte


Agència Districte


Raquel Adalid


The Music Republic



Agència Districte



JA.S és un estudi que treballa en diferents disciplines i àmbits del disseny. L’estudi, nascut a 2018 a València, desenvolupa projectes d’identitat de marca, disseny digital i direcció creativa per a organitzacions i particulars. La nostra forma d’abordar els projectes és col·laborativa perquè ens permet enriquir els resultats a base de creuar-ne diferents mirades. Junt a la pràctica del disseny comercial també portem a terme projectes en els marges de la professió i més centrats en el camp de la investigació. Des de la posició de privilegi que atorga desenvolupar el teu treball a un país d’Europa i tractant de ser conscients dels biaixos cognitius als que estem sotmesos, la nostra meta és assolir un disseny clar, comprensible i perdurable. 



Problemes globals: solucions locals


Contem una història en cada projecte 


Honestedat i eco-responsabilitat


Ací, a la zona de comfort.


Provoca, però només un poc.


A peu o en bici.


Branding identitat visual, arquitectura de marca, iconografia, papereria corporativa, manuals d’aplicació de marca, identitat verbal, naming, territori de marca, estratègia de llançament.
Web disseny web, e-commerce, front-end development, back-end development.
Print llibres, revistes, cartells, fullets, catàlegs, memòries d’empresa, direcció d’art.
Campanyes disseny de campanyes, direcció d’art, social media, gràfica d’esdeveniments.
Exposicions catàlegs, escenografia, mapes, senyalística, gràfica de l’entorn, panel design.

Client: Casfid

Servei: , ,

Programació: Team Enterticket

Enterticket is a web platform for ticket sales for concerts, festivals, theater, nightclubs, or professional events. It was created in 2016 and in less than 8 years of trajectory it has managed to establish itself as one of the main players in the saturated ticketing market. In 2022, we began a global rebranding project for Enterticket where, through this process, it has transitioned from being a technological tool to being a product. On the one hand, a new mission and vision were defined, and the brand values ​​were reconsidered. On the other hand, in the graphic part, the logo and the rest of the brand universe were redesigned, taking as a reference the lettering used in theaters and concert halls to announce the night’s performances. In addition, the use of typography and color was standardized to give consistency in all brand applications. Finally, together with the Enterticket development and usability team, the entire website was redesigned, favoring the purchasing experience and updating the graphic codes. In addition, a collection of more than 50 icons was created to facilitate the representation of ideas and some actions on the website.

JA.S is a studio working across different disciplines and fields of design. Founded in 2018 in Valencia, the studio develops brand identity projects, digital design, and creative direction for organizations and individuals. Our approach to projects is collaborative, allowing us to enrich the outcomes by incorporating diverse perspectives. In addition to commercial design practice, we also undertake projects at the margins of the profession, focusing more on research. Operating from the privileged position of working in a European country and being aware of the cognitive biases we face, our goal is to achieve clear, understandable, and enduring design.

Five thoughts


Global problems: local answers


A story in each project


Integrity and eco-responsibility


Here, at the comfort zone.


Provoque, but just a little.


By walk or ciclying.


Branding visual indentity, brand architecture, iconography, stationery, brand manuals, verbal identity, naming, brand territory, launch campaing.

Web web design, e-commerce, front-end development, back-end development.

Print books, magazines, posters, brochures, catalogues, company reports, art direction.

Campaings campaign design, art direction, social media, event design.

Exhibitions catalogues, scenography, maps, signage, panel design.

Client: Casfid

Service: , ,

Development: Team Enterticket

Enterticket is a web platform for ticket sales for concerts, festivals, theater, nightclubs, or professional events. It was created in 2016 and in less than 8 years of trajectory it has managed to establish itself as one of the main players in the saturated ticketing market. In 2022, we began a global rebranding project for Enterticket where, through this process, it has transitioned from being a technological tool to being a product. On the one hand, a new mission and vision were defined, and the brand values ​​were reconsidered. On the other hand, in the graphic part, the logo and the rest of the brand universe were redesigned, taking as a reference the lettering used in theaters and concert halls to announce the night’s performances. In addition, the use of typography and color was standardized to give consistency in all brand applications. Finally, together with the Enterticket development and usability team, the entire website was redesigned, favoring the purchasing experience and updating the graphic codes. In addition, a collection of more than 50 icons was created to facilitate the representation of ideas and some actions on the website.